❤❤My name is Beáta Halász but everybody calls me Bettike/Betti. I'm 18 years old. I was born on 21 September 2001. I live in Bicske with my parents, but I was born in Transylvania. I'm interested in Transylvanian folklore. My favourite hobby is dancing. I have a dog, her name's Pamacs. I'm a very friendly, funny, cheerful, honest, crazy girl. And I'm very short(circa 155cm) My best friends are Vivi and Anita .❤❤
2019. október 4., péntek
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On the 29th of January Parents' Meeting I invited the parents of those children who take part in the mobility to Lithuania and informe...
Hi J My name is Anita and I’m 17 years old. I live in Csabdi with my family. I have two sisters and I’m the middle child. I meet my dad a...
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